Alex can find the right job for you! Think Specialist Recruitment is a practical agency. This is quite important when you are still working and don’t want to waste time with personal attendance during office hours. Also they understand if you can’t pick up the phone (while working).
The agent (in my case Alex) is calling/texting you back quickly when necessary. It sounds something basic but most agencies don’t do that, just call you and leave voicemail with zero information about their offer so you have to call them back (and you can do it only in your lunchtime when they are also on lunchtime, etc).
Alex is helpful, reachable, also understands the applicants’ needs, preferences and takes them into consideration, although the agency is working mainly for the employers. She has somehow enough people’s knowledge and knows what job environment would suit you. So there are no “surprises†when you are certain type of person and the company is the opposite type. Alex will tell you enough information about the company and she sends you to places where you, with your abilities, can pass the interview, so again, there is no disappointment and worry. It seems that she cares about you, not just want to push you to a job to tick the box and get the commission.
I’m very lucky as this is the second time Alex found me a job in walking distance, with the right atmosphere, suitable for my ability. This second role is what I really-really wanted for such a long time, so I’m very pleased. I would definitely recommend Alex to you if you are looking for a job. Tell her not only about your experience but also your ambition and career change ideas (if you have) and she will help you.
Finally, when you have your new role, Alex is checking if you are alright in your new company and helps with your timesheet. I have always been paid on time. I cannot recommend Alex and Think Specialist Recruitment enough. Good luck!
Diana - Candidate - 19/12/19
★ ★ ★ ★ ★