These are common questions we hear companies ask when they are looking to fill a role. Here we explore the reasons to pass your recruitment on to a recruitment agency.
1. Access to more candidates
With more choice for job seekers how do you attract and reach more candidates? As a recruiter Think know where to find your ideal candidates. We advertise on the most popular and ‘vacancy relevant’ job boards in the UK and use our own database, CV database licences, social networking and referral schemes to find the highest calibre 'active' and ‘passive’ job seekers - a successful mix. This is critical. It may be that your ideal candidate isn’t active in the job market and will need to ‘sought out’ by a recruiter.
2. Get your job and company out there
More and more job searches are completed online. Placing an advert in your local newspaper is not just expensive, it won’t get seen by job seekers and will not have the quality/quantity of response that an online advert will generate. Recruiters will work with the most relevant and effective media for your role to find candidates, plus they’ll help pitch the role and the company to create the most impact.
3. Turn applicants into candidates
Online adverts will attract an average of 100 to 150 applications across a 4 week period. Do you have time to be looking through all of these CVs, screening the candidates to check they are of good quality before inviting them for interview and dealing with the response?
A recruitment agency will review any CVs from applicants and create a shortlist of candidates for you for interview. Saving you time in the process and preventing you seeing people who are not suitable. It’s not just a numbers game though. Quality recruiters, such as Think will only put forward the candidates they believe are right for the job, not just fill a quota of CVs.
4. Get the best out of a candidate at interview
Your advert has attracted lots of candidates. You start booking interviews, but the candidates don’t turn up or don’t seem to back up the claims on their CV. Recruitment agencies filter out these candidates and prep the qualified candidates before interview. At Think we make sure we’ve met everyone before their CV is sent anywhere and we prepare them for interview, whether that is about what they should be wearing, practicing interview techniques or briefing them fully on your company.
5. Access to wider resources
If you have multiple roles, you can double, triple, quadruple the time this process will take you if you’re doing it all by yourself. Pass these vacancies across to a recruitment agency where they have all the resources to manage them and manage more candidates.
6. You are experts in your industry, we are experts in recruitment
A good recruiter can help you with everything from pitching the role correctly in an advert to salary benchmarking. It’s the perfect combination of expertise to ensure you get the candidate you need.
7. You can get on with your day job
This has to be one of the most important considerations. What is your time worth? What should you be getting on with instead of sorting CVs, writing job ads and tracking down candidates to book interviews?
8. The objective middle man
Having a middle man can prove very valuable. Recruiters can provide feedback on what candidates think, feedback that the candidate might otherwise not feel comfortable providing. They can advise a client on candidate selection and a candidate on which role is right for them. They can also negotiate offers on behalf of the client and manage any counter offer process.
9. Temporary costs can be reduced.
Consider taking on temps instead of paying expensive overtime costs. Plus in some cases recruiters, such as Think, will offer a "try before you buy" one day working interviews for temps, which can reduce costs too.
10. Longer term cost savings
As well as the cost of your time that is saved, there are other longer term cost savings. The candidate you find leaves. Now what? Place another advert? Think SR offers a guarantee period. If the candidate does not work out, you have peace of mind that we will find you a replacement free of charge.
The ideal scenario in any recruitment is to match the perfect high calibre candidate with the right role. With a recruitment agency you increase your ability to be able to do this and also save time in the process. What’s not to like…..?
If you’d like to find out more about Think Specialist Recruitment, please visit our website www.thinksr.com or contact Chris Jones, Managing Director on 01442 450585