We spend a lot of time talking about how candidates can prepare for interviews, make a good impression and top tips for success. But in a competitive market where good candidates often get more than one job offer, how can employers make sure they are first choice for their preferred candidate?
As part of recruiting, selling an opportunity and creating a positive impression of your business is still of vital importance. But if you take the stance of "I'm the hiring company so it's down to the candidate to do all the leg work and impress", you might not get your candidate!
It's still surprising to us as a recruitment company, how many companies get the interview process wrong in many ways. If a candidate is taking time to come and meet you, it's a basic requirement to ensure the following are in place:
- Make sure somebody is there to meet the candidate in reception when they arrive (especially if the reception area is un-manned!).
- Come and greet the candidate promptly (don't leave them in reception or a room by themself for too long).
- Ensure the interview room is available, booked and ready.
- Have the candidate's CV printed off prior to their arrival.
- Take time to read through their CV (in detail) prior to the interview.
- Have questions prepared around their CV and experience to show you have taken the time to read it.
- If anybody else is due to interview with you or meet the candidate, make sure they are available.
- Be prepared to sell the opportunity, business and culture.
- Explain why the candidate would want to work with you.
- Provide some provisional feedback of what you enjoyed about meeting them.
- Ask for their thoughts and if they have any initial feedback.
- Provide quick and detailed feedback (within 1-2 days max!).
We believe that none of the above is asking too much but each little step goes a long way to creating the best impression of your business and making the candidate feel comfortable enough to get through the interview.
If you are looking to recruit new staff, call us for help and advice or register a new role here