You've taken the first step in your job hunt and sent us your CV. The first step in the recruitment process is to match your CV to the roles we are working on for our clients.
There are a few parts to the process that go on to ensure both candidate and clients get the best out of our service.
1. Understand the recruiter's objective:
Our priority is to match the right candidates with the right employers. Which means we have to understand lots of detail about your work experience, your career path, your values, how you get to work (travel arrangements) commitments (like family) and of course match these considerations with clients that are looking for candiates with simlar experience and values.
2. Make your intentions clear:
Make sure your application says who you are and what kind of role, location and salary you are looking for. That way the recruiter can make a quick decision on what roles we have that might work for you and it means you won't miss out on an opportunity if you're the right fit.
3. Don't be offended if you don't hear back...
On an average day, our consulants receive a lot of CVs. We spend time carefully looking at your experience and requiements and matching this to our clients needs. If you've not heard from us, don't let that stop your job search! We'd love to be able to reply to everyone but we have to work with the hours in the day we have and it maybe that we currently don't have roles relevant to your experience. If you're a strong candidate and you fit the bill, we will contact you.
4. Make your CV easy to read
We often know in a flash whether a candidate is a good fit for a role just from looking at their work experience if its well layed out. Make it easy to read your CV by including a clear personal statement and by ordering your CV properly.
Experience should always come top with the most recent experience first. Within the details of your experience, focus on your achievements not responsibilities and be specific. For example "achieved sales of £10,000 in Q1 against a target of £8,000" means so much more than "was responsible for sales".
Remember, recruiters sometimes reformat CVs so avoid tables and break paragraphs into bullet points as they are easier to take in and to re-arrange.
5. Work with us! We're on your side.
Experienced recruiters have developed a 'sixth sense' and can detect those candidates who are not reliable and who are not being honest. Our reputation is based on our relationships with both clients and candidates so we will always check out everything with our candidates before putting anyone forward for a role. Be honest about any gaps in employment and tell us anything you are concerned about. We can help and advise on how to deal with this. Likewise we need to understand your reasons for moving on from a role, so they can relay that information to the employer. Be honest and open and they will help.
Remember, this process goes two ways so if you have been asked to call with feedback after an interview please make sure you do it. Likewise, if you get cold feet after being made an offer just talk it through with your recruiter, they can help by talking to your potential employer or supporting you through the daunting process of handing in your notice.
Finally, we have strong relationships with all our clients - your potential employer - and will have agreed the most appropriate times and methods to contact them for feedback. We will do this on your behalf and always be honest and supportive.
If you are just starting your jobsearch, make sure you check out our Google reviews - with over 200 positive five star reviews from our candidates, it's definitely worth sending us your CV here.
Good luck!