Our NHS Heroes
16th April 2020

As a team we know lots of people in our network who work in the NHS and are working so hard on the front lines to beat Coronavirus. 

We decided we'd like to give something back in the form of a little competition and ask people to nominate their own friends and family.

We would like you to nominate your hardworking NHS friends, family or colleagues who you think deserve a 'take away' on us. You can make your nomination on our Facebook or Twitter pages, simply tag your nominated NHS employee into the post along with their job title & where they work. So follow us on facebook or twitter (buttons below bottom right) and tag your NHS hero in our post.

We started the ball rolling with nominations of our own family & friends who are our NHS heroes to start off! (Below from left to right) Melanie Aum, Commmunity Nurse, Watford and Croxley, Erin Ryan, Clinical Lead Watford General Hospital, Stephanie Ellis, Nurse at Michael Sobell Hospice, Lynne Baker, Medical Secretary at Lister & Stevenage Hospital, Becky Howells Senior Oncology Nurse, Mount Vernon, Amber Howard a Peadiatric A&E nurse at Bedfordshire hospital, Emily Hosking Leeds General Infirmary, Abigail Watson – Nightingale Hospital London and Helen Jackson, Queens Hospital.

All nominations will be put into a hat and the winners drawn at random & announced the evening of Thursday 30th April. Entry to this competition closes at 12 midday on Thursday 30th April. Winners must have an NHS email address to send vouchers to.


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