Think features in Pepper newsletter!
22nd April 2016

We were pleased to appear in "Pepper News" the quarterly newsletter issued by The Pepper Foundation (Pepper Children's Hospice at Home) our chosen corporate charity that we have supported since 2014!  If you are looking to raise funds for a charity please keep this fantastic cause in mind. 





About The Pepper Foundation

The Pepper Foundation is a registered charity which funds the hospice at home children's nursing team. This innovative paediatric team, (known as the Pepper Nurses), offers specialist palliative care and support to children with a life-threatening or life-limiting illness throughout the Chilterns area of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. The six nurses work with families to provide individualised care and support for each child in their own home on a 24 hour, 365 days of the year, on-call basis.

The Pepper Nurses currently cares for up to 40 children at any one time, at absolutely no cost to the patients or their families. 

What does the service provide?

The nurses are qualified paediatric nurses with extensive experience in caring for children and young people up to 19 years of age with conditions that require palliative or end-of-life care. The team works in partnership with all other professionals involved with the child and family to ensure co-ordination of care.

​A  terminal illness does not just affect the patient, healthy siblings can also be affected. Family support has always been an integral part of the nursing team's philosophy of care which is why The Pepper Foundation also provides funding for the Children's Support Facilitator who offers pre and post bereavement support to families and co-ordinates the Pepper Sibling Group.

For more information on the Pepper Foundation, please visit their website -

To make a donation -


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